bigshots atelier imagery renders visualizations
We create world-class visuals, giving shape to the most promising ideas.

Who we are

We are a group of architects based in Barcelona who believe that great visualization is the true way to tell our stories in the digital world we live in. With enough love, dedication and a dose of coffee in between we strive to capture the moments of inception into something we call BIGSHOTS.

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Our Mision

We create world-class visuals, giving shape to the most promising ideas. With every customer’s growing idea, we grow & with every customer achieving his/her goal, we become better. We are in sync with our customers’ needs. With innovation we evolve and improve. We are committed to create great visualization experiences.

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Our Vision

Become a reference, symbol of the most promising ideas in architecture and design. Our precisely crafted visuals give the customer a clear vision of the future, today. International visual excellence from Barcelona. By excellence we mean providing customers with the best experience from inception to digitalization within a competitive time frame.

render and visualization new house residential in Greece render and visualization bcq estadi nou manresa render and visualization bcq estadi nou manresa render and visualization new Wildeman Station Beta Office Amsterdam Architecture